Home Outdoors A Farm Field of Dreams: Looking For a Wife For a Consulting Client

A Farm Field of Dreams: Looking For a Wife For a Consulting Client

by Gunner Quinn
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I’ve had a consulting client for a couple of years, who I’ve learned to trust who lives on a family farm. The following could be an excellent opportunity to be able to retreat to a family farm in a safe area. In the SurvivalBlog archives, there are many articles on ways to protect your family, through preparedness and skill-building. Perhaps the ultimate is living on a self-sufficient working farm in a safe, lightly-populated region. Instead of having to build and stock a retreat, here is a way for a fortunate family to become friends with a farm family by helping their single son find a spouse. This could be the “ticket” to admittance into a well-stocked and fully functional self-sufficient retreat. Please note that he is looking for a young woman who would like to be married and have children.  She does not need any experience in agriculture. – JWR

Here is a description of this special opportunity, written by the bachelor farmer:

I live on a family farm because of decades of hard work on the part of my parents and grandparents. The writings and many conversations with Mr. Rawles have been instrumental for our family to have the ability to transform our existing family farm into a survival retreat. Recently, we have begun preparing for another family who we don’t even know. This month, my parents and I finished putting another 2,000 pounds of storage food and other supplies away and my parents commented that we have stored all this food and supplies for people we have not even met yet. That family we have been preparing for could be your family! As Christians, we walk by faith, so I am sending this “message in a bottle” to the readers of SurvivalBlog with the hope that one reader can introduce me to my future spouse.

Since this is a fairly unusual way to find a spouse, I will tell you more about myself and the basic qualities I am looking for in a potential spouse.

As a traditional man, I am praying to find a traditional young woman whose goal is to be a Christian wife. While it is nice for a young woman to want to help out with gardening or tending to the multiple flower gardens around our homestead, I am not looking for a farm “worker.” My future wife’s “job” is much more important: she will make my house into a home, be the mother of our children, and raise our children to love the Lord. My mom reminded me as I was writing this that I need to mention that my  goal is to find a young woman who really wants to be a “mom.”

My parents and I have traveled on family vacations to many states over the years. In talking to people, we have had to correct the misperceptions of what people think about farms. We have electricity, water, internet, telephone, cell phone coverage, and all of the “conveniences” of modern living. Because we are “preppers,” we even have a lot of alternatives to these. For instance, we have four backups just for water. In the rare instance of a power outage, we are much better off since we have multiple independent power systems — unlike our city “cousins” who rely on placing a call to the helpline of the utility to ask when the power will be turned back on.

People often have told us that they know about farms because they saw some television show or movie that was set in the 1800s or early 1900s. That is very far from life on our farm in 2024. If someone were inside our home with the window shades closed, they would not know that our family home is on a large parcel of land. In the daytime, you could look out to farm fields, our forest, and our large private lake from various windows. The Lord has blessed our farm greatly in its productivity being able to feed hundreds of people. I am a successful businessman having multiple income sources that are not even connected to our farm.

We are within a short commute to the city. My mother enjoys activities and shopping in the city which has all of the major stores. I enjoy going to various stores and finding a variety of seasonal items at the grocery store when we go into the city. I like to cook and bake. I have even taken some cooking classes in the city over the years.

I believe in the value of education, and enjoy learning, and reading. I am college-educated. My parents have always viewed education as a continuous process and they instilled a love for learning. Many of our family vacations have included an educational component such as museums or historical sites, but we have also enjoyed many theme parks and coastal vacations. I have many friends in various parts of the country and it always great to visit these families who we have been known for years.

I am thankful that my health is excellent. No one in our family has taken the “vax” or is even on any medications.

From my youth, I was raised in a strong Christian household which formed my values and personality. It is a blessing to have parents who have always loved the Lord and raised me to cherish the values that made our country strong. Quality men like myself naturally gravitate toward friendship with like-minded people who share similar values and attributes. My parents and I enjoy entertaining friends at our farm and visiting with friends. I have been told many times that I have a good personality. I seek to find a young woman with an equally good personality to share the life of abundance that the Lord has blessed us.

We are thankful to be living on a farm in Kansas which is a conservative state in a safe region of the country. In my family, we often think about the contributions of our ancestors who left their homelands in Europe for a better life in America. We have some of their pictures and know their stories that have been handed down in our family for generations. I often think of their stories: one of my ancestors who left Germany in the late 1800s as a young man. And even many more generations back another ancestor left England and made a difficult voyage to America in the 1600s. I have a lot to offer a Christian young woman and I ask anyone reading this who knows of such a young woman to send us a message and we will be glad to talk to her and her family.

Here is the basic criteria that I seek to find in a young woman:

  • Christian
  • 21 to early 30s in age
  • Conservative
  • Wants to be married and have children
  • Single, never married, and does not have children
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • Average height and in normal weight range
  • Non-smoker
  • Good personality
  • Domestic skills such as cooking or has an interest in learning
  • Lives in the United States

My parents and I are very understanding people and this basic criteria covers millions of single young women in the United States currently. I only need to find one young woman.  I appreciate your prayers and keeping your eyes and ears open out there. Your thinking of a young woman in your family or searching in your local community may result in you receiving an invitation to a retreat along with my future wife’s family. Please pass around the link to this SurvivalBlog post describing my search to your family, friends, and at your church.

If you think you might be the young woman I have been praying to find, or you know her in your family or among your friends, could you please tell her so she or her family could e-mail Mr. Rawles writing an introduction:  Please write in detail about yourself, including your religious beliefs and other interests including hobbies. His address is jamesATrawles.to (Change “AT” to an @ sign) and he will personally handle the initial correspondence.

Read the full article here

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