Home Gun Reviews New Record Set In Youth Shooting Sports Funding

New Record Set In Youth Shooting Sports Funding

by Gunner Quinn
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MidwayUSA Foundation has set a new record, paying more than $6.8 million to nearly 1,000 youth shooting sports programs—including teams and organizations—in its lastest grant cycle, which wrapped up in December. It provided over $5 million to 952 youth shooting teams and more than $1.7 million to nearly 40 organizations that work with youth shooting programs. Programs with a MidwayUSA Foundation endowment are eligible for a cash grant every year.

 “We depend on the grant to help in many ways,” said Sherri Shima, team representative for Solon Spartan Trapshooting from Solon, Iowa. “This grant helps pay for the entry fees for all shoots, targets for practices and shoots, and the cost required for coaches to take courses to remain certified.”

This grant cycle’s average payout per team totaled $5,302. The funds assist with expenses, including ammo, targets, entry fees and travel. Community members can donate directly to the youth shooting team of their choice, which MidwayUSA Foundation will match, to grow the team’s annual cash grant.

In addition to youth shooting teams, MidwayUSA Foundation provides critical funding to state, regional and national organizations that support youth shooting sports. Each shooting program’s grant is 5 percent of its MidwayUSA Foundation endowment balance, and the endowment model makes funding available in perpetuity.

“The grants we receive from the MidwayUSA Foundation play a crucial role in the success of Missouri 4-H shooting sports,” said Rachel Augustine of Missouri 4-H Foundation. “They help us provide essential funding for equipment, volunteer training and state and national contests, as well as events. Through 4-H shooting sports, youth gain confidence, leadership, and responsibility, while developing a lifelong appreciation for shooting, hunting and the outdoors.”

Established in 2008, MidwayUSA Foundation has paid nearly $73 million in cash grants to support youth shooting sports. It offers a variety of resources to help shooting teams increase their endowment.

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