Home Outdoors Observations on an Attempted Assassination, by R.G.

Observations on an Attempted Assassination, by R.G.

by Gunner Quinn
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What a world we live in when we are given evidence that we cannot believe our government institutions. This assassination attempt keeps getting crazier and crazier. This is proof before our eyes that we are currently living in a world of disinformation and subterfuge. In the days of Kennedy and Reagan, the alphabet agencies could get away with something like this. But with smartphones and social media of today, it becomes infinitely harder to attempt an assassination and then get away with it.

I am a retired quality assurance manager who in my past life specialized in determining what went wrong during unplanned problems/accidents. If it was a physical issue, then you just focused on physics, math, and software, but eventually, it would get to human error. That is when you had to be prepared for human nature: protection of self and friends. So, you expected some misinformation/disinformation or even outright lying. Since I am now retired, I have plenty of time to sift through all the attempted assassination data and conspiracy theories that are flying around out there. So, I will try to enumerate what we think we know and what else is being said that “could be” considered conspiracy theory.

  1. Thomas M. Crooks has been identified as the shooter. Eyewitnesses identified 20-year-old Crooks acting suspicious at least 90 minutes before Trump started speaking. Conjecture: Crooks was allowed to roam free while it appeared that the cops and SS were investigating and communicating about his activities.
    Crooks flew a drone over the arena during the morning of the event. SS did not employ a drone before or during the event, which is normal procedure for open-air events. Their excuse was that cell service was down. Conjecture: both drones and dogs were denied for the Trump event by DHS Secretary Mayorkas (FOIA records show that he was personally responsible for the refusal to provide SS protection for Robert Kennedy Jr.)  See:  Judicial Watch: DHS Secretary Mayorkas Personally Declined Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Request for Secret Service Protection.
  2. The building used by Crooks was outside of the SS-controlled perimeter even though it was the 2nd highest building out to 600 yards, Local police said that they did not have anyone on that part of the building because it was too hot but supposedly had visual sight of it from the 2nd story windows of the building behind it. Later we learned that a police officer was specifically assigned to the roof of that building but abandoned their post because of the heat. It is also coming to light that the Beaver County sniper left his post to pursue Crooks on the West side of the 2-story bldg., leaving only the Butler County sniper to overwatch the whole East side including the roof Crooks used at the time of the shooting. Conjecture: Local law enforcement or SS left the roof and windows unprotected on purpose to allow Crooks free access. Conjecture: There were law enforcement at the windows but were told to stand down or were part of the assassination team.
  3. The local sniper teams were requested to set up ‘under cover’ in the 2nd floor of the AGM building. This meant they would be at least 5 feet inside the windows that they were using for their overwatch. This also significantly restricted their arc of coverage as they looked out their respective windows. Conjecture: they were purposely prohibited from viewing the building below them which is where Crooks made his attack from.
    The local police attempted several times to alert SS to a person of interest only to find out later their tactical channel was not being used by SS. Conjecture: The building was purposely left in limbo between SS, state and local police to facilitate the assassin. Conjecture: SS purposely used a different encrypted channel for their team but did not tell state/local police.
  4. SS was not following protocols concerning vetting and inspecting people as they came onto the rally site. Conjecture: SS was purposely letting unknow bad actors into the rally to assist the assassination.
    Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle stated that SS did not place someone on the shooter’s roof because of the pitch of the roof, even though the pitch of the 2 roofs that the SS snipers were on directly behind Trump were significantly steeper. Conjecture: the roof was purposely left empty for Crook’s use.
  5. Local police stated that they were not allowed to have a representative in the SS Command Center which coordinates comms between the different agencies and areas of responsibility. This was highly unusual as communication between agencies is vital to a successful protection event.
  6. FBI says that Crooks fired 8 shots at President Trump even though Mr. Comperatore was not in the line of fire from Crooks to Trump. Also, most audios have a distinct sound difference between the 1st three shots and the last 5 shots. Conjecture: there were at least two assassins, Crooks as the patsy on the roof and another either at 1. the ground-floor window directly below Crooks, or 2. on the Water Tower or 3. out a second-floor window of the building behind Crooks.
  7. Trumps SS team has repeatedly asked for more resources and been repeatedly denied, even tho Mayorkas has said there were no such requests. Only when the Washington Post wrote a story confirming the requests and denials did the DHS finally admit there had been requests. Conjecture: Shows Biden Administration has planned the reduction in Trump’s SS staff in hopes something would happen like this assassination attempt.
    Four times more SS agents were assigned to Jill Biden for a minor event at the same time in Pittsburg, Penn. Jill decided just a few days before 7/13 to attend an Italian American dinner occurring in Pittsburg at the same time. The dinner had only 25 attendees. Conjecture: Jill attending this event shows a direct tie to the White House on the assassination attempt. Conjecture: Cheatle was a DEI hire demanded by her good friend Jill Biden and was therefore doing the Biden’s bidding before/during/after the assassination attempt.
    The SS asked for twice the Pennsylvania state/local police support for Jill Biden as for Trump. When 2 motorcycle cops declined the Jill detail and instead supported the Trump rally, they were reprimanded. There was also an event near Philadelphia for Kamala Harris that took away Pennsylvania’s capability to support 3 events at once. Conjecture: These 2 additional events were quickly planned so only Trump’s detail resources would suffer. Conjecture: Because of the shortage of SS staff, the 3 smaller women on Trump’s personal detail were either recent SS DEI hires or DHS untrained support assignees. This should come out in the investigation.
  8. The SS and local law enforcement were not on the same frequencies. Local police did not know this and thought SS was monitoring their calls about Crooks leading up to the shooting. Conjecture: SS management knew all along about Crooks’ activities but feigned ignorance because they were using different encrypted frequencies.
  9. Crooks trained at the same rifle range that SS, DHS & ICE train at. Conjecture: there were conversations and preparations between Crooks, SS, and DHS prior to the assassination attempt. Someone within the Executive branch was ‘grooming’ Crooks leading to the attempt.
  10. Crooks was found with 2 cell phones but only a few contacts. Conjecture: What is a 20-year-old doing with 2 cell phones but few contacts? Can only mean collusion. Will be important to find out who his contacts were and what calls he sent/received leading up to his death. But below will make sure this never happens.
    The FBI had a full team on-site within 2hrs of the incident, including at Crook’s home. Conjecture: The FBI was ready before the incident even happened in order to “Manage” the evidence and communications before the state or local police could make their own discoveries.
  11. To date, Crooks left no evidence of a motive. Conjecture: Proves FBI is ‘managing’ the evidence to the Administration’s benefit.
  12. After the suspect was killed, he was found with no identification on him, yet SS was able to find his name within ½ hr of the shooting. Ms. Cheatle testified that they found his identity by the serial number on the rifle he used. Legally, ATF is not supposed to have a database of serial numbers. Conjecture: ATF is illegally keeping a full database of all weapons purchases in the US.
  13. Female agents in Trump’s personal protection team were poorly trained and showed cowardice in the face of the bullets flying. It should come out if these 3 ladies are SS DEI employees or just poorly trained DHS substitutes. Conjecture: Behavior Investigators (see item below) discussed the lady who couldn’t get her gun into her holster as evidence of her ineptness. Also, a picture of her trailing the cover team shows her displaying classical signs of fear and personal protection tendencies. She was hunched over, her head was scrunched down into her shoulders, and her arms were folded close against her body. She should have been at her full height with arms out protecting the principle. Also of interest, she was protecting the West side of Trump, which is where the bullets came from. My personal aside: Females in the employ of SS are appropriate as long as they meet the SS rigorous requirements, including height requirements if on the personal protection team. If you watched the protection team during the Republican Convention a week later you likely noticed the tall, all-male team shadowing Trump and his family. Nothing like during the Butler rally event. I have since read that SS has two standards for competency: one for males and one significantly less stringent for females. And Cheatle is well known to advocate for DEI hires.
  14. The lady spectator behind Trump displays unusual behavior just before and after the bullets started flying. See: DID THIS WOMAN KNOW? Military Body Language Expert Reacts to Suspicious Woman at Trump Rally!  This woman looks toward the shooter just before firing started, gives a single head nod, pulled out her cell phone and started taking pictures just as the first bullet struck, shows no typical fear/flinch/freeze behavior tendencies, and finally appears to smirk as Trump goes down. Conjecture: Lady had advance notice and/or started the assassination attempt. She was on task to record the final moments of Trump’s life knowing her life was safe. At least one blogger tentatively identified her as an employee of the FBI.
  15. CNN was scheduled to livestream the whole Butler rally, even though they had shown only a very few rallys over the past 9yrs. Conjecture: They were forewarned that something special would happen during the rally.
    BlackRock made a documentary on teaching that included Crooks in the background. Several shots showed him with the CEO of Blackrock. Conjecture: Blackrock played a role in the grooming of Crooks leading up to the assassination.
  16. Blackrock subsidiary posted a short sale of 12 million shares of Truth Social during the day of the Butler rally. The short sale was mysteriously removed not long after the assassination attempt failed. Conjecture: Several key liberal groups, including Blackrock and CNN were given advance notice that something dramatic was going to happen during the Butler rally.
  17. SS Lead Site Agent was an inexperienced lady who did not follow normal crowd or protection protocols. The majority of her team were in fact DHS add-ons who were also inexperienced in protection protocols. This person is still working events and conducting investigations. Conjecture: She was specifically assigned as Lead Agent in order to facilitate the assassination.
  18. To date (8/14), SS has done no interviews with local or state police concerning the before/during/after of the assassination attempt. It has now become a war of words between the local police and the government agencies about what was requested and who was responsible. Conjecture: SS is spending their time and energy doing coverup and protecting SS and DHS personnel. As a result, they will never get to the truth.
    When Senators went to the site to perform their Constitutional oversight responsibilities, they were refused access by the FBI. Conjecture: Biden’s FBI continues to manage the evidence and shape the narrative to their advantage.
  19. Most stories, pictures, and videos of the assassination attempt have consistently been labeled as Fake or Misleading by Google, Meta, and other social sites. Conjecture: Shows social media is still carrying Democrat’s water for them as we go into this heighten period of election campaigning.
  20. There is a conflict on just what was Crooks social position between what the FBI is saying and what the CEO of Gab is saying. Crooks had a Gab account that the FBI says showed antisemitic and anti-immigration positions. The CEO of Gab, who controls the encryption algorithms, says the account shows the exact opposite including other pro-Biden leanings. In addition, Crooks used other encrypted accounts which makes it difficult to open the text of these accounts. Conjecture: FBI continues to shape the narrative to their coverup position, knowing that it is next to impossible to refute them because of the encryption systems used. It is only because the CEO of Gab came forward that we know the truth of his Gab account.
  21. The Butler rally was the 1st use of SS counter-snipers at a Trump rally since Trump was president. This is very strange since there are always warnings and threats against Trump, especially during his outdoor rallies. Conjecture: The snipers were there to eliminate the Patsy before he could be interrogated by local authorities.
    Using cell phone tracking software, the Oversight Project determined that someone who regularly visited Crook’s home and work also visited a building in Washington DC located in Gallery Place, next to an FBI office. Conjecture: FBI was involved in, or leading the grooming of Crooks prior to the assassination attempt.

This event and all the other lawfare efforts to eliminate Trump as a viable candidate for the next Presidential election intimates that “they” will stop at nothing to get their way. It is true that Trump is an existential threat to ‘Our Democracy’ as the Liberals, MSM, Social Media, and Executive Swamp keep hyperventilating over. But ‘Our Democracy’ is no democracy at all, but rather an Orwellian doublespeak for the convergence of Totalitarianism and Communism power control of We the People.
Gen_50:20  But as for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save a great many people alive.
Have no doubt, God was right in the middle of this attempt on DJT’s life. Only God’s providence had Trump turn his head at the last second, and thereby saved his life.
Now comes an amazing prophecy that seems too unbelievable to be true. I will let you be the judge:
See: The Mystery Behind The Trump Assassination Attempt — Jonathan Cahn Prophetic
No matter what we personally believe, it is clear that this failed assassination attempt forced the Democrats to illegally jettison Biden and make Kamala Harris their new candidate. Trump likely had an insurmountable lead on Biden, which was needed in order to make his vote counts “Too Big to Rig”. Now the Democrats only hope is to make the poll predictions give an illusion that Kamala is close enough to Trump’s polling numbers so that come the week after the election they can work their ‘counting magic’ to win the swing states for Kamala and maybe the Senate and House at the same time.

My Beliefs

After reviewing so much data and video clips, I believe the following:

  • Most of the chaos and bumbling was organized and controlled by one/several of the alphabet agencies.
    If there really was a person assigned to watch that roof but instead left their post then that is either a dereliction of duty or complicity in the organized chaos.
  • Whoever designed the Command and Control setup either is incompetent or complicit.
  • Whoever told the local snipers to be undercover (meaning back 5 ft from the window) is also suspect.
  • The Beaver County sniper should be closely questioned. Leaving his post on the 2nd floor turned out to be a major error. Also, he nonchalantly came out of the building 90 seconds after the shots fired.
  • Whoever assigned the AGM buildings to be outside the SS perimeter was grossly negligent or complicit.
  • Whoever assigned personnel for the 3 simultaneous events is going to have a tough time defending their position, both in number and type of resources.
  • There likely was no 2nd shooter, but that means that Crooks was much better prepared and trained to get into place and take the attempted shots than people give him credit for. To me, that is evidence that he was groomed for this event by someone.
  • Some may commend the FBI for how quickly they responded and took over the investigation. I suspect their motives for moving so quickly. Practically the only thing they have released since was their version of Crook’s Gab account, which was quickly exposed as a lie by Gab’s CEO.
  • The lady behind Trump who calmly kept recording with her cell phone needs to be investigated and her video reviewed. What she did was not normal behavior.
  • And finally, people are doing a good job of exposing the social media platforms that continue to discriminate against Trump and conservatives in general.

Going forward, I believe that Kamala/Walz will win the election either through their week-after shenanigans or another attempt on Trump. The worldwide Left just has too much to lose if Trump gets into office. But if God continues to protect Trump through this election win then look for him to become the Left’s patsy for all manner of problems and riots they will throw at him. We must continue to keep him in prayer through the campaign and through his next presidency.

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