On this day in 164 BC, during the Maccabean Revolt, the forces of Judas Maccabeus recaptured Jerusalem and rededicated the Second Temple. This event is now commemorated as the Jewish festival Hanukkah, also celebrated by many Messianics.
On November 21, 1916, Britannic, the sister ship to the Titanic, sank in the Aegean Sea, killing 30 people.
Today we present a guest article, from a reader. It was not intended to be part of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest.
More than $925,000 worth of prizes have been awarded since we started running this contest. In 2023, we polled blog readers, asking for suggested article topics. Please refer to that poll if you haven’t yet chosen an article topic. Round 115 ends on November 30th, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that there is a 1,500-word minimum, and that articles on practical “how-to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging.
Read the full article here