SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods. This column is a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from JWR. Our goal is to educate our readers, to help them to recognize emerging threats, and to be better prepared for both disasters and negative societal trends. You can’t mitigate a risk if you haven’t first identified a risk. In today’s column, a further examination of the mysterious New Jersey drone swarms.
Mystery Drones Could Be Trying to Find ‘Radioactive Material’
Over at Newsweek: Mystery Drones Could Be Trying to Find ‘Radioactive Material’—Aerospace CEO.
“The recent epidemic of reported drone sightings across New York and New Jersey could be due to potential “gas leaks” or “radioactive material,” one subject matter expert has said.
Reports of mysterious drone sightings in multiple states have drawn widespread attention from lawmakers and members of the public in recent weeks. John Ferguson, the CEO of Saxon Aerospace, a drone manufacturer in Kansas, weighed in on the topic in a TikTok post that has gone viral.
The FBI said it has received more than 3,000 tips regarding drone sightings, with the majority of these reported observations happening at night.”
DHS, FBI, FAA, DOD All Say N.J. Drones Not a Threat
As of December 17th, via Breitbart: DHS, FBI, FAA, DOD All Agree on New Jersey Drones: No National Security Threat. JWR’s Comments: For these Federal agencies to declare that they haven’t identified the origin or characteristics of these UAVs, but at the same time declaring them “not a threat”, is disingenuous, at best. I’ve concluded that we are being treated like mushrooms. That is: Kept in the dark and fed horse manure. My (tongue-in-cheek) theory: Thermopods Over New Jersey, from Planet 10.
Former F-18 Pilot: Drones Aren’t WMD ‘Sniffers’
Former F-18 Pilot Tells Joe Rogan Drones Aren’t WMD ‘Sniffers’ As Dronegate Intensifies.
Intel Officials Reveal Source of Drones in Classified Briefing
Intelligence officials reveal source of drones in classified briefing. JWR’s Comment: So… If they were just licensed commercial drones, then why was the briefing so long, and why was it classified?
Superflares Erupt From Sun-Like Stars About Every 100 Years
SurvivalBog staffer Tom Christianson sent this, from the Smithsonian magazine site: Superflares Erupt From Sun-Like Stars Roughly Every 100 Years, a New Study Finds. Is Our Sun Overdue for a Massive Blast? Here is a pericope:
“The new results indicate that stars resembling our sun experience superflares approximately once every century—and if that’s true, it seems our sun may be overdue for such an explosion. As solar activity is already known to cause damage to Earth’s satellite and telecommunication systems, the discovery came as a shock to the team.
“This is 40 to 50 times more frequent than previously thought,” Valeriy Vasilyev, a scinentist at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) and a co-author of the paper, tells’s Robert Lea.”
Homestead Release Day on Friday
You’ve probably seen the ad at the top of our ad stack for the Homestead movie and follow-on television series. The theatrical release of the movie will be tomorrow, December 20, 2024. This film looks like it will be of great interest to preppers — especially Christian preppers.
Monarch Butterflies to Be Listed as a Threatened Species
Reader C.B. sent this AP wire story: Monarch butterflies to be listed as a threatened species in US.
Ultra-Processed Foods are Making Us Age
C.B. also sent us this: Ultra-processed foods are making us old beyond our years, study warns. Here is an excerpt:
“A person’s biological age is a relatively new way of measuring a person’s health, and can be traced back to 2013, when geneticist Steve Horvath developed the epigenetic clock, which measures DNA methylation levels. DNA methylation is a process that modifies the function of genes.
A second generation of epigenetic clocks was developed a few years later that incorporated environmental variants such as smoking or chronological age. Among these was the PhenoAge and GrimAge clocks.
As well as diet, biological age can be influenced by genetics, general lifestyle, and environmental factors, and it can differ significantly from chronological age.
A person with a healthy lifestyle may have a biological age younger than their chronological age, while poor lifestyle choices, such as a diet high in UPFs, can accelerate biological aging.”
USDA Orders Raw Milk Testing Under Guise Of Bird Flu
And, finally, over at Zero Hedge: USDA Orders Raw Milk Testing Under Guise Of Bird Flu Amid War On Small Farms.
You can send your news tips to JWR. (Either via e-mail or via our Contact form.) Thanks!
Read the full article here