Home Outdoors SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

by Gunner Quinn
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Our weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

St. Funogas sent this snippet to ponder:

“With all the recent hullabaloo about auditing Fort Knox, let me point out why it’s just one more irrelevant tempest in a teapot to decoy the US public from the more important numbers like the deficit, national debt, and the $1 trillion yearly interest on the debt.

The total reserve isn’t just at Fort Knox so the 147 million ounces you hear mentioned doesn’t include the gold at the Denver Mint and at West Point. The total US reserves is claimed to be 8,133 Troy long tons. Whether it’s all there or not, or whether it’s actually just a bunch of gold-plated Twinkies, it’s not really relevant when put into proper perspective.  So let me put it into perspective.

Here’s what the entire US gold reserve will pay for in 2025 at $3,000/ounce if applied to only one of the following programs:

    • 16 weeks of Social Security and Medicare payments (Medicaid not included)
    • 19 weeks of this year’s deficit spending
    • 41 weeks of interest payments on the national debt
    • 45 weeks of defense spending

How much would each ounce of gold in the US reserve have to be worth to pay for the following items:

    • 2025 Budget — $27,800 / ounce
    • Social Security and Medicare (minus Medicaid) – $9,500 / ounce
    • 2025 budget deficit – $8,400 / ounce
    • Defense – $3,425 / ounce

How many tons of gold would it take (at $3,000/oz) to pay for the following items in the 2025 budget? Keep in mind, that it is estimated the grand total of all gold mined in history is just 215,000 tons.

    • 2025 Budget – 75,750 tons for one single year!
    • Social Security/Medicare – 25,700 tons
    • Budget Deficit – 22,800 tons
    • Interest on Debt – 10,350 tons
    • Defense – 9,300 tons
    • Total National Debt – 379,430 tons

With these numbers putting everything into proper perspective, all of a sudden it is not especially relevant if the US really has those 8,133 tons, or whether it’s partially or totally 100% gold-plated tungsten or Twinkies.  That much gold is pocket change when compared to the annual US budget or the national debt.  One more ‘nothing burger’ to keep us distracted from the important things.”

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Coming Soon: The European Digital Identity Wallet. (A hat tip to H.L. for the link.)

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Reader Tim. J. mentioned this collection of films showing an interesting chapter of communications history: Gripping WWII Story of Dropping Communication Wire by C-47 Planes, Vehicles, Men, Dogs, and Rockets.

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St. Funogas recommended this video:  WW3: Whose side are you on?  JWR’s Comments:  I’ve mentioned this once before, in a different context…  It is interesting to see what a difference that just over 50 days of Donald J. Trump’s second term in office has made to the geopolitical landscape. He has effectively handed the European Union (EU) the ball, in European security responsibilities. Predictably, they had a collective hissy fit. The EU has long considered the US military umbrella a “given”, but DJT has just in effect told them:  “You deal with it. You fund it. You provide the manpower. It is a European problem.” I suspect that through  channels, DJT has warned western government leaders to not allow Ukraine into NATO, and to not put NATO troops into Ukraine, or the U.S. will immediately withdraw from the NATO alliance.

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Chuck Schumer is in deep Schumer.  Also, see this contrived grandstanding: Chuck Schumer calls Republicans “Bastards”.

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Reader “Sarge” wrote:

“I have noticed over the past several weeks that you have featured short biographies of famous classical painters. The paintings that you featured reminded me of the “Monuments Men” of WWII fame that tracked down paintings and other artwork looted by the Nazis.  The looting started in occupied Europe, and reached its peak in occupied Paris where entire museums were looted.

After the success of the D-Day invasion and the liberation of Europe, the Monuments Men were able to track down the stolen art that had been stashed in old salt mines and other locations.

Their fascinating story was told in a book by Robert Edsel entitled, “The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves, and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History”.

The book was later made into a movie in 2014 starring George Clooney, Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett, Bill Muray, John Goodman, and Hugh Bonneville.  The movie is a great watch and the book has even more details.

Another good move on a similar subject is, “Woman in Gold” starring Helen Mirren and Ryan Reynolds.  Released in 2015, it tells the real story of Maria Altmann, a Jewish woman who fled Austria when the Nazis seized control of the country.  Years later, living in the United States, she takes on the Austrian government to get back a famous painting of her aunt that was looted from the family home in Vienna by the Nazis.  Another fascinating story and another good historical movie to watch.

Both movies are listed and reviewed on the International Movie Data Base website, (www.imdb.com). I highly recommend both movies!”

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Alaska’s Mount Spurr getting even closer to eruption as unrest escalates, volcanologists say.

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Reader E.P. wrote:

“I really enjoyed the excellent article [on 3D printing] by M.B.  Two years ago I bought a Creality Ender 3 V2.  I really struggled putting it together, and I could never get it to work, even after wasting additional money on various “upgrades”.  All it would do is print plastic spaghetti, so I gave up on 3D printing in total frustration.  Recently I ran across a YouTube video about 3D printers, and on their recommendation I bought a Bambu Labs P1S and was amazed by how easy it was to set up, and how it worked so well right out of the box!  The support and online documentation is great.  I know other people have got the Ender to work, but in my opinion it is something for an expert, not a beginner.  I have no affiliation with either Creality or with Bambu Labs.”

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EPA Launches Biggest Deregulatory Action in U.S. History: Zeldin Rolls Out 31 Groundbreaking Actions to Save Americans TRILLIONS, Slash Costs and Supercharge Job Growth.

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Some wisdom from one of our older readers, H.L.:

“I am not a very computer literate person, thus have formed a friendship with a younger man

who IS very computer literate and has a local business installing computer systems, updating,

and all the things that go along with it.

As usual, I do love to talk about this and that with smart, aware people of all ages.  I am like

a sponge and my brain is full of this and that.

Today he came to get rid of a computer bug for me, and started talking about the Young Americans of

today.  I estimate that Don is probably late 30s, versus my 82.

His partner left so he is looking for a new computer whiz to be in his local business.

He says he cannot find anyone, but here is what he is dealing with as applicants:

Younger people probably do know computer systems, but they tell him in the interview

that they do not like to talk on the phone, they do not look him in the eye, they want this and

that accommodations, etc.  Don is frustrated as all get out, and he is half my age.  Next time

I see him, his hair will probably be snow white!

We agreed that way too many younger people do not know how to interact with other people,

only their cell phones.  Apparently, the parents have let the television streaming services and their

smartphones raise them.  One applicant told him that he cannot talk on the phone, he does not

do well with people, etc., etc.  Obviously, computer repair and upgrade is a people business.  Believe me, if I knew Windows 11 better, then I would not be paying $100 to have Don come and fix the problem.

I have seen this over the decades, people not having an idea of how to act when applying

for employment. (I have been an Office Manager who had to both hire and fire.)  Seems that way

too many younger people do NOT HAVE PEOPLE SKILLS.  I BLAME THE PARENTS.

For those of you older folks do you remember the movie Fahrenheit 451, starring Oskar Werner?

Books had been banned, and to own a book was a huge crime and the government would take

you away.  All books were confiscated and burned.  People were glued to their televisions

which had no written words.  People who read were killed, and their books burned.

People were zombies.  Fire engines did not come to fight fires, but rather they would come to

burn your books and you.

This new generation in certain parts of America seem to be obsessed with their cell

phones.  The High School is one block from me, so I see teens coming and going and

glued to their cell phones.  They are pretty much empty in their heads and their souls,

and the dumbed-down American Public Education System is fostering this.

Today I received two real books: OUTLAW TALES OF UTAH (true stories) and

James Herriot’s Cat Stories. (I love cats).  Yes, I have 7,000+ Kindle books, otherwise

I could have started my own library had they all been physical books.


OUR DEMISE WILL BE FINAL.  Here and there in rural areas there will still be people


AND SURVIVE.  If ever we have WWIII and America suffers a Nuclear Attack, I just

hope that in the hills and hollows of Appalachia, and a few other states, that the old-timers still know how to survive, and that someone has the Firefox series of books. That the locals know what natural plants and herbs can help an illness.

Again, I highly recommend the old movie Fahrenheit 451.  If I could have just one wish

I would love to live another 100 years, because many of what my pioneering ancestors

knew how to do, I know how to do it also.  The government can take things away, but what

I have in my head is mine, and I know how to survive.  Learned from one of the best

my Dad, and all of my reading over the decades.”

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